Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Political Britain & the media (30/09/09 lesson)

  • French Revolution- Enligment
  • French revolution got rid of the royal family & aristocracy was killed. this was done to bring equality, liberty & fraternity ( brotherhood)

Enlightment- light of knowledge- freedom of thought. This fed into Britain in terms of ideology. Enlightment in Britain brought in the subjcet of Scientific Rationalism Vs Religional belief. Scientific Rationalism were about scientific reasons behind everthing. Erasmus Darwin- Grandon of Charles wrote 'Orgin of Species' which was the theory of evolution. Whereas religional belief was arejection of religion (atheism).

Ideologies- Karl Marx

  • He developed Marxism which is the ownership of capital or means of production
  • He argued that those who own the means of production control the society.
  • This creates superstructure- has all the power & miney
  • Base- no power & money

Ideologies- Whigs (Liberal) & Tories ( British Government in Victorian era)

  • These people were mainly land owners, factory owners or members of the aristocracy
  • By the end of the 19th century, there were three government
  • Liberal- who were influenced by economists such as Adam Smith- Free economy/marker (no regulation)
  • Conservaties- believed in pragmatism ( protection of old values)
  • Labour- Supports rights for the working class. they want the state to control more & bring equality.

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