Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Premilinary task evaluation

Our preliminary task was to film a person walking in the room, sitting down and exchanging some dialogue with the person who is already in the room. For this task I am working with Lucy and Hannah. We had to use three specific shots which included shot-reverse-shot, match on action rule and 180 degree rule. Before we could start we had to create a you tube account and a blogger account. We had to create 2 storyboards the first one was the one that we drew ourselves. The second one was the photo story board, for this story board we had to take still images from our own camera phones and then we had to upload these images to our blogs. Then as a group we had to decide on all the shots then we could start our film.

Our first shot is a long shot, we have decided to use this shot to build the tension for the clip. Then we used the match on action shot to show some one opening the door. We have used this shot so that the movie runs smoothly and because we realised that this shot is much more effective then other types of shot for this scene. We used panning to show the person going toward the table. We have decided to use panning so that the movie runs swimmingly. We have used a lot of over the shoulder shot in our movie so that we can feel what the character is looking at. To make the conversation between the two people look realistic we have used shot-reverse-shot so that the audience can see each person’s perspective view.

After we have finished filming I had to save the video on Apple Macs. By saving it on Apple Macs I can edit the movie so that unwanted scenes can be deleted and also I can add special effect such as music. We used the application ‘imovie’ which made it very easy to edit out movie because it allowed us to delete unwanted clips, add background music and add extra features such as the credits at the end of the movie.

To conclude I can saw that this task went well and was very helpful. I found editing the most difficult task of all because I had to be very careful while deleting unwanted clips; also it was quite difficult to choose the right music for the clip. Our clip was very short; I think it would have been better if it was longer so that we could give a wider message to the audience.

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