Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Moral Panic ( 7/10/09 Lesson)

Stretch & Challenge Unit
Moral Panic:
  • Abstract concept used to make sense of 'irrational public hysteria'
  • Public & academic debate on moral panic works on the assumption that the media plays a significant role in determing the characterics of moral panic
  • Signifies complex processes that shape public perspections of a perceived threat to the moral code of society

Processual Model

  • Attends to process of a moral panic
  • 7 defined stages ( Stanley Cohen "Folk Devils & Moral Panic 1973)
  • Emergence: When a form of behaviour becomes perceived as a threat
  • Media Inventory: explaination of threat is manipulated by media ( distortion, exaggeration)
  • Moral entrepreneurs: groups pr organisation speak out & offer solution
  • Experts: Socially accrediated experts ( government, police) who diagnose solution
  • Coping & resolution: reaction of the media, moral entrepreneur & experts lead to legal reform
  • Fading away: the condition disappears, submerges or deteriotes & become more visible
  • Legacy: a moral panic can have long lasting effect or create big changes in social policy, the law or society's view itself

Attributionsl Model: Erich Goode & Nachman

  • Ben Yehuda's study 'Moral Panics: The social construction of deviance (1994)
  • Claims those working in the media, political institutions & the legal system. Impact on moral panics through 'claims making'
  • 5 elements or criteria distinguish attributes of moral panic
  • Concern: a heightened level of concern, measurable through opinion, polls etc
  • Hostility:Increased hostility to a group or category seen as 'enemy' to respectable soceity (folk devil)
  • Consensus: a substantial segment of society agrees that the threat is real & caused by 'wrongdoers'
  • Disproportionality: the reaction by the public is out of proportion to the actual harm
  • Volatility: the idea that moral panics are volatile by nature, erupt quickly but also often subside quietly. Each episode cannot be sustained for long

Political Britain & the media (30/09/09 lesson)

  • French Revolution- Enligment
  • French revolution got rid of the royal family & aristocracy was killed. this was done to bring equality, liberty & fraternity ( brotherhood)

Enlightment- light of knowledge- freedom of thought. This fed into Britain in terms of ideology. Enlightment in Britain brought in the subjcet of Scientific Rationalism Vs Religional belief. Scientific Rationalism were about scientific reasons behind everthing. Erasmus Darwin- Grandon of Charles wrote 'Orgin of Species' which was the theory of evolution. Whereas religional belief was arejection of religion (atheism).

Ideologies- Karl Marx

  • He developed Marxism which is the ownership of capital or means of production
  • He argued that those who own the means of production control the society.
  • This creates superstructure- has all the power & miney
  • Base- no power & money

Ideologies- Whigs (Liberal) & Tories ( British Government in Victorian era)

  • These people were mainly land owners, factory owners or members of the aristocracy
  • By the end of the 19th century, there were three government
  • Liberal- who were influenced by economists such as Adam Smith- Free economy/marker (no regulation)
  • Conservaties- believed in pragmatism ( protection of old values)
  • Labour- Supports rights for the working class. they want the state to control more & bring equality.

16/09/09 lesson on Media Case study

Collective Identity is a social gropu that is constructed or that we form.
Britishness- What er sre born into/migrate into
Social grouping: eg Chav, emo,memo,skaters

  • Representation of working class Glaswegion- ethnicity/class
  • Heroine users
  • Individual images within this
  • Funded by C49institution) values
  • This film higlights social issues, mediates (glamouries)
  • Social problems- Heroine addictions HIV/AIDS
  • Mediates (puts sirector's spin on)
  • Disenfranchised(powerless)- no money

Recent Films- What version of Britishness is being represented?

'This is England'

  • Collective Identity of the past (1980s)- political era
  • Northern Working class men
  • 'Skin Heads'
  • White supremises

Bridget Jones

  • Representation of middle class women ( set around mid 30s)
  • Popular with female audience aged 25 & over
  • Explores issues within women 'being single', 'overweight'
  • Easy to relate


  • Working class representation of young people from London
  • Negative & exaggerate view of young people
  • Very Socially aware- Observant of class & ethnicity within young people

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Identify how Sense an Sensibility and Four Weddings and a Funeral represent aspects of Bristish society past and present.

Sense & sensibility both represent British society. The main difference between these films is the timeline. Sense an sensibility is a historic film which was first publisged as a novel by Jane Austen in 1811 whereas Four Weddings & a funeral is a postmodernist film about marriage which was released in the year 1994. One of the main difference in this film is the timeline as Sense & sensibility was set around the 19th century whereas four weddings & a funeral was set in the 90s. Both have similarities such as the same actor(Hugh Grant), both represent the middle class but in four weddings & a funeral we see a different representation of the middle class as the society changed.

In sense & sensibility we see a very patriarchal society where men are the dominant figure. after the death of Marianne Dashwood's father all the wealth is inherited bu the next male decedent by the law. this clearly shows the gender difference where women are in a disadvantage. whereas in four weddings & a funeral we see a change in tradition in terms of class & gender roles. The meaning of middle class are different in both films. In sense & sensibility we see middle class people as being very rich land owners who have servants & maids. On the other hand, in Four weddings & a Funereal we see a completely different representation. Middle class people tend to have jobs such as lawyer, doctors etc. In sense & sensibility marriage is taken very seriously, this is the opportunity for women to leave their home, a sense of freedom.whereas in Four weddings & a funeral we see a very post modernist view of marriage. marriage is not taken seriously & seen as valueless.These two films clearly show a transition in the way how British society has changed.