Friday, December 5, 2008

Schedule, pitch & Synopsis

Schedule for the Film
We will be filming in Rosie's house. We plan to shoot on Sunday14th December. We decied to spend only 1 day filming because we think that 1 day would be to finish the film.
The Pitch
We did our pitch on the Friday the 5th December. We were pitching to Miss Kate. The pitch went well eventhough we were missing a team member. The teachers liked our idea but they said that the ending needs to be improved. The teachers seemed to be impressed with the whole idea except the ending and we were given the camera and the equipment. We are going to pick our equiptment next friday on the 12th December.
Imogen lives with her flatmate Sara and life is going well, the girls are enjoying their wild party like lifestyle and are enjoying the freedom. One morning after a serious house party, Imogen carries out her usual routine, a cup of tea and a fag whilst the radio buzzes in the background, but being hungover, Imogen takes no notice of the crucial report of an outbreak of infectious psychotic cannibals. She continues upstairs with Sara's tea but after opening the door, finds herself face to face with a blood thirsty psychopath. She manages to escape, and trying to make sense of events, panicking, she turns on the T.V. This explains the infection is a newly discovered STI that is carried by males, but affects women and is spreading rapidly through the U.K. Then she discovers the disease originated in the area where her parents live in Reading. So, driven by adrenalin she decides to find and save them despite her rebellious history and previous detachment from them. The report also tells of a safe camp which inhabits no infected people, where she plans to take asylum after being reunited with her family.

She sets off to find her family but before she makes it past the end of her road, she is ambushed by two survivors being chased by the infected. She manages to pick them up, putting aside their history of feuds. On the way to Reading, they stop off at a service station to pick up supplies and weapons where again she is confronted with the infectious cannibals. Together they save another two people from death, as the cannibals are stricken in the head and killed. While in the car they all come to a realisation that they are more similar then they thought, and become almost friends putting their differences aside. When Imogen arrives to the family home, she can hear screaming from outside. When she gets in she finds her father and brother infected trying to attack her mother and younger sister, when saving them she receives a bite which leaves her in a fatal condition. The survivors are now left in a near death situation. They take Imogen with them in hope to find a vaccine and cure her before the infection consumes her. They finally arrive at the camp and a vaccine is given to Imogen. They're safe for now, but the outside world is still destroyed.

Film Pitch

Imogen is your typical sex, drugs and rock and roll girl, partying late and being rebellious. But her lifestyle soon catches up with her when her best friend becomes infected mutated STI which turns her into a psychotic cannibal. But when Imogen realises the infection has spread further than her flat mates bedroom, she sets off in pursuit to amend previous feuds, and save her family from the disease spreqading throughout Britain... Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what the edge of your seat were made for.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Premilinary task evaluation

Our preliminary task was to film a person walking in the room, sitting down and exchanging some dialogue with the person who is already in the room. For this task I am working with Lucy and Hannah. We had to use three specific shots which included shot-reverse-shot, match on action rule and 180 degree rule. Before we could start we had to create a you tube account and a blogger account. We had to create 2 storyboards the first one was the one that we drew ourselves. The second one was the photo story board, for this story board we had to take still images from our own camera phones and then we had to upload these images to our blogs. Then as a group we had to decide on all the shots then we could start our film.

Our first shot is a long shot, we have decided to use this shot to build the tension for the clip. Then we used the match on action shot to show some one opening the door. We have used this shot so that the movie runs smoothly and because we realised that this shot is much more effective then other types of shot for this scene. We used panning to show the person going toward the table. We have decided to use panning so that the movie runs swimmingly. We have used a lot of over the shoulder shot in our movie so that we can feel what the character is looking at. To make the conversation between the two people look realistic we have used shot-reverse-shot so that the audience can see each person’s perspective view.

After we have finished filming I had to save the video on Apple Macs. By saving it on Apple Macs I can edit the movie so that unwanted scenes can be deleted and also I can add special effect such as music. We used the application ‘imovie’ which made it very easy to edit out movie because it allowed us to delete unwanted clips, add background music and add extra features such as the credits at the end of the movie.

To conclude I can saw that this task went well and was very helpful. I found editing the most difficult task of all because I had to be very careful while deleting unwanted clips; also it was quite difficult to choose the right music for the clip. Our clip was very short; I think it would have been better if it was longer so that we could give a wider message to the audience.

The traitor- Premilinary task

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Storyboard for the premilinary task

180 degree rule shot
Shot-Reverse-shot : Over the shoulder shot
Shot-Reverse-shot : Over the shoulder shot
Shot-Reverse-shot : Over the shoulder shot
Medium shot
Shot-Reverse-shot : Over the shoulder shot
Tracking : walking towards the person who is already sat down
Medium shot

Match on action shot : Over the shoulder shot

Match on action shot : closeup of the hand
Match on action shot : Over the shoulder shot